These are some terms used to describe specific actions, in foil fencing.
Counter Time: Is when (on the march) you show your opponent you are attacking them, they counter attack, and stop your attack and parry riposte the counter attack.
Stop Hit: Is really just a attack in preparation. You are making a hit to “stop” the attack.
In direct attack: When you change your original line in order to hit (it is not a feint disengage, but a feint disengage could be a indirect attack).
Direct attack: When you start and finish in the same line.
Broken time: When you withhold your arm when lunging, causing the opposition to parry early. Then your real attack comes after they parry.
Tempo: Refers to how long each action took (one advance is roughly two tempos).
I hope these make your fencing discussion and viewing experiences more fruitful and deepen your knowledge of the sport.
Until next time,